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Over 50. Not the Hill.

Are you in midlife or beyond, dealing with the ups and downs, sags and bags, twists and turns that life at the midpoint throws at us? Then this is the place for you.

I’m Liz Grantham, founder of I’m 53, an entrepreneur and single mum. When my full but stressful lifestyle collided with the aches and pains of aging, I realized I had to find a way to embrace and enjoy the years ahead. After all, it’s what I had been dreaming of and working so hard for! I didn’t want to become obsessed with anti-aging – I wanted to embrace getting older. Most importantly, I wanted to be honest with myself, and keep my sense of humour.

Over 50, Not the Hill combines notes from my journey to feeling better, more energized, and looking ahead with a growing sense of anticipation, inspiration and freedom with the realities of life beyond 45. 

How helping others can alleviate year-end fatigue

How helping others can alleviate year-end fatigue

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger – something better, pushing right back.” – Albert Camus Reality...

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Looking after your hands Pt 1

Looking after your hands Pt 1

This morning my Feldenkrais lesson focused on my hands, wrists and shoulders. It got me thinking about how we really need to take care of our hands and not take them for granted. Just as our feet, so too are our hands are a complex system, with 27 bones, 10 fingers,...

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Nature’s Great Masterpiece

Nature’s Great Masterpiece

This past weekend was such a treat. To take a break from my desk, the city, and ongoing lockdown, I headed out for a mom’s and daughter’s weekend in the South African bushveldt. There’s something magical about the bush that is difficult to describe. It’s hot, dry, and...

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My Journey to Going Grey

My Journey to Going Grey

In 2020, being a silver sister is seen as a symbol of freedom, acceptance of a certain stage in life, a badge of honour – just like smile lines and wrinkles. A decade or so ago, not so much. My friends thought I was crazy – especially as I was single! I was 18 when I...

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Lessons from Marrakech

Lessons from Marrakech

It’s 2004. I am 37. I have survived the roller-coaster ride of being a single mother, a failed long term relationship, a failed business, and have finally come out at the other end. My daughter is thriving. My advertising business is growing. I buy a property in the...

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She’s Bold! Podcast with Beth Whitman

She’s Bold! Podcast with Beth Whitman

There is something magical about connecting with like-minded women, and that is exactly what happened on a podcast with Beth Whitman – Ultramarathon runner, adventurer, author of the Wanderlust and Lipstick blog, and host of the wonderful podcast, She’s Bold! We spoke...

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