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During 2020, I started hearing more and more about the “microbiome”. Having spent the past 13 years focusing on my mid-life health and wellness and knowing that having a healthy gut is key, I started paying attention so that I could learn more.

According to the latest TRENDium report issued by the Global Wellness Summit, 70% of our immune system is headquartered in our “gut” – an extraordinarily complex, 100 trillion-cell system of bacteria, viruses and fungi, with new studies confirming that the microbiome has a real impact on our immune response and chronic disease.

And an even bigger reason for us to start learning more and more is that it’s not just the immune system that is controlled by our microbiome  – it’s also our hormones, metabolic health, how our brain functions and our mental health!

Read the full TRENDium article here.

I’ll be keeping you up to date with the basics and how you can begin taking practical steps to improve your gut health.

For now, head to… One of the pillars of “food as medicine.” The site provides a wealth of information that is regularly updated with the latest research to help you make better-informed decisions about what and how you eat. So, rest assured, we’ll be adding all that we learn about the gut microbiomes with you there!, Liz Grantham signature, functional movement, physical freedom